Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Loungewear from Avon

I needed some new summer pj's and while I'm not a huge fan of camo prints, I couldn't resist my Avon discount for these.  I'm so glad I got them though.  This is the softest, most lightweight fabric I have ever worn.  It's breathable and so comfy!  I highly recommend!


Belif Aqua Bomb

This is a great product for adding extra moisture to your skin.
Here's  a weird thing... the photo above is just after I used it.  You can see the roughed up surface where my fingers have dipped in.   The picture below  is the next morning and the surface is all smoothed over.  How does that happen?
I've been using this jar 2-3 times a week for about 6 weeks and it looks like I haven't used any!    How does that happen?

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Avon Fashion - It's new and improved!

 Over the last year I have been so disappointed with Avon Fashion because well... so much  gray!  But this summer the color is back!  Olive green, fuscia, coral, yellow, and blue...

Thursday, June 10, 2021

These are soooooo! good!!!

I've been using the Hemp/ CBD products for many months and they are wonderful.  My skin looks and feels so good even at my advanced age!

Now this!!!  I just started using this Vitamin C Body Serum this week  and the results are amazing!  Sparkling skin for your summer tan if you have one.  This lotion is greaseless.  It soaks in and leaves skin soft, supple, and yes, sparkling (tan or no tan!)


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June Fragrgance and Jewelry Picks

                                 This beautiful Rose Quartz Jewelry is perfect for June.
                    Keeping with the pink theme  "Guilded" from Studio 1886 is a fresh and vibrant scent for                  
the beginning of summer.

Campaign 5 Signs of Spring

Are you one of the many that will be so excited that Soft Musk is back (at least for now!).  I already got mine and I'm loving it.  One ...