Thursday, August 9, 2018

Bee-You-tiful You

Bee-you-tiful Campaign 1

What’s New!

1.   Anew clinical unlimited lashes- great lashes and brows start here!  With purchase of this product get a free eye lift pro, 28.00 value!!  

2.   Avon true color love at first lash mascara- heart shape lash hugging fibers provide volume and length use with the unlimited lashes for gorgeous eyes.

3.  Wild at heart jewelry-beautiful animal inspired jewelry!  Lockets, pendants, pins, charm necklaces and bracelets add a little wild to your wardrobe.

What’s Wow!

1.  The Abox on the back of brochure is a great value, with any 40.00 purchase receive the box for only 10.00!  This one covers almost everything for a full look eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, mascara, and pro nail enamel nail polish!

2.  Safari Strap Watches only 14.99 regularly 39.99, pg 187!

3 .  Anew Power serum only 19.99 regularly 40.00, fantastic value! Pg 55

My Favs

      Haiku Reflections Eau de Parfum- I get compliments on it almost every time I wear it.  Once I forgot my sweater at the front desk at work and they knew it was mine because  it smelled so good! The notes of the perfume are water accord, acacia blossom and amber wood. Pg. 61 any 2 for $25

     I always like to have a perfume in my purse too.  See the available travel sprays on pg. 114. On sale for $5.99 each. Imari elixir and Prima are my favs.  These small sizes are a good way to try out a new perfume.  

I rarely shop for clothes anywhere but Avon!  Of course, I get a great discount (and you can too!) but they are stylish and comfortable,  easy to care for and always look great no matter how many times they’ve been through the wash!  (My criteria for great clothes.) On pg. 139 is my favorite top and matching slacks on pg. 145.  I have the khaki and the geo print!  

Avon News:  Please keep an eye on my facebook page “ I am always running specials with fun games and prizes!  Also I have Bug guard items for cash and carry just let me know how I can help you be bug free!  *Contact me with your order by August 16th before 10pm. Don't forget you can still back order from campaigns 16 & 17!

Who doesn't love free stuff?**Refer a customer and receive a free gift!*****Refer a new Avon lady to my team and receive $50.00 in product after she sends her first order!!**  This is a great time to do it join Avon for only 10.00!! Expires August 20th!

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.-Maya Angelou

531-218-9575--- call or text

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Campaign 5 Signs of Spring

Are you one of the many that will be so excited that Soft Musk is back (at least for now!).  I already got mine and I'm loving it.  One ...