Friday, March 8, 2019

Campaign 7

Campaign 7
What’s New!

1. Anew Ultimate Supreme Dual Elixir  is amazing for anti-aging! Separated for potency, powerful when they meet! Pg 5

2. Beautiful, “ get you in the mood for Spring”, jewelry starts on pg 154. Check out the pink and pearly set on pg 156.
3. Relaxing with the warm mood lighting of a candle takes it to the next level with  scents made just for your senses! Pg 191
What’s WOW!
1. Nothing worse than trying to brush through childrens tangled hair!  The fantastic deal on page 21 can make that a painless process.
2. Ultra luxury liners for eyes, lips and brows is on sale for only 1.99 pg 37!  Time to stock up!
3. Mesmerize Black is on special for only 9.99 pg 65.  A wonderfully seductive scent!
My Favs
Extra Strength Retexturizing Peel pg 89 on sale for $16.99

Skin So Soft Bonus Size Shower Gel ,Body Lotion or Bath Oil - Any 2 for $21  page 103-105

New Mark. Fashion-- Blue Belle Blouse pg 169 and Blue Belle  Printed Dress pg 170

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
Paulo Coelho
531-218-9575--- call or text

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Campaign 5 Signs of Spring

Are you one of the many that will be so excited that Soft Musk is back (at least for now!).  I already got mine and I'm loving it.  One ...