Wednesday, September 2, 2020

It's September!

New blog goal for September:   share more about me (personal stuff) and my Avon business (what I do as an Independent Avon Representative.)  This is me all ready for 3 day's of Avon's Virtual Visionaries Online Convention on August 28,29 and 30.  I dressed up and wore makeup for the occasion even though no one was going to see me!  It just felt more festive.  There are a lot of new things coming in C-20 thru C-26.  You'll want to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Just click the "Subscribe" button on the upper right  of this page and put your email address in the box and click "Submit".  You will get an email notification when I publish a new post!  I won't be sharing your email with anyone.

September's Necklace of the Month
Each month I pick a  sterling silver necklace from my collection  to wear 24/7.  This month I picked this lovely anchor which symbolizes "hope" for me.  

 I always wear more than one ring but I pick a special one to wear each month.  If I have one it will be the birthstone of that month.  This month it  is this midnight sapphire.  Sapphire is  September's birthstone and has traditionally symbolized sincerity, truth, faithfulness and nobility.  Let me know if you have a September birthday!

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