Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Campaign 23 -- What's New!

Link to the online brochure:  https://www.avon.com/brochure?rep=jmahl

Great new scents - Cherry (red) or Musk (green)

This is the first brochure with holiday items!  I know we haven't even had halloween yet but it's not too early to think about Christmas shopping.  I think about Christmas shopping all year long.  I have a Christmas Closet that I add to all year long when I find things that I think those on my Christmas List will like!  By this time of the year I take an inventory of the closet and see who's missing a gift and and usually I don't have to do much traditional "Christmas Shopping".  If you want a calmer holiday it's time to start the shopping. There are also still supply chain difficulities because of Covid so if you see something that you like/want don't wait so that you don't miss out.  See a sample of the items below and there will be more in the next 3 campaigns.

Jewelry for the Holidays!
Jewelry, of course, is my one weakness.

 These rings!!! I got the jet and it's gorgeous with the gold and the rhinestone 2nd ring, just stunning!  I think I might have to get another one blue or green?

I ordered the Christmas Tree earrings and they are so much prettier than the picture in the brochure.  I'll try to post a picture soon to see if I can capture the sparkle.

Do you have a family tradition of new PJ's  or slippers (or both) for Christmas Eve?  There will be 2 more PJ sets in campaign 24 but they aren't Christmas themed.  

Gift sets for men.

Gift Sets for Women

Stocking Stuffers

And Holiday Decor!

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Campaign 5 Signs of Spring

Are you one of the many that will be so excited that Soft Musk is back (at least for now!).  I already got mine and I'm loving it.  One ...