Thursday, October 1, 2020

October Jewelry Picks

 October's Birthstone is Opal.  The meaning and symbolism of the opal birthstone has been traditionally associated with loyalty, faithfulness, purity, hope and confidence. It is believed to be imbued with beneficial properties relating to vision, both in terms of eyesight, and the internal vision of imagination and dreams.   Owing to the fact that opals often display a captivating interplay of various colors, it has also been known as the Queen of Gems. It was believed to contain all the virtues associated with different monochromatic gems whose color was represented in a particular stone.  I love opals and I have had this one for over 10 years.  Opals are soft gems and can easily crack or be scratched by harder gems so they need to be stored separately from other stones.  They should be stored in a cool humid place as they contain more water than any other gemstone.  Care should be taken not to subject them to harsh detergents or chemicals.

Contact me if your birthstone is October and recieve a birthday discount!

I have chosen for my October neckace this lovely sterling silver leaf with an abalone accent.  Abalone is one of my favorites.  I have several pieces of abalone jewelry. This necklace also has matching earrings.

 Abalone shells, a by-product of the food industry, became popular with craft jewellers in the 1960s and 1970s, with the shell set into inexpensive silver jewellery. It found favour with the new-age spiritualist crowd, which believed that the shell can enhance feelings of peace, compassion and love. 

This set is in the current brochure.  It is made from genuine crushed abalone in silvertone teardrop settings.  I ordered the ring and wore it all through September and am very glad to report that the silvertone is unchanged.  I don't wear a lot of silvertone because my chemistry usually wears the finish off.  Either Avon's silvertone has changed or my body chemistry has but whichever it is, I'm delighted with the result.  
You can shop for these pieces here:

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