Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It's December 1st!

 Here are my December picks.  But first something new.  I used up all my "Live Out Loud" perfume before the end of November and I had just recieved a demo of the new LYRD Bouquet de Freesia so I decided to try it out for the last few days of November. I have to say I liked it alot.  It lingers in the background all day and I really like that.  If you like fresh clean scents with a background of soft floral,  this is for you

For December I had picked "Velvet" because it was red and because it reminds me of "warm and cozy".
But when I took it from the shelf to put it wear I will use it every day, I saw that my bottle was not as full as I thought it was so I picked a second scent just in case Velvet doesn't make it until the end of the month.  I selected Artisan Santal Musk because it's green and because I've had it since August and have only worn it a couple of times and I've been looking forward to using it.  An added bonus for using the Velvet, I have the body lotion to go with it so I can layer my scent which I really like to do!

The picture doesn't do it justice.  This firey rainbow of color is called "mystic topaz".  The setting is so delicated it would look lovely on any ring finger!

This is my Be necklace, that I will be wearing this month.  It says Be strong, peaceful, courageous, loved, inspired.  That is how I always want to be but it's especially important to Be those things in the month of December in 2020 during a worldwide pandemic.

Have a great month.

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Campaign 5 Signs of Spring

Are you one of the many that will be so excited that Soft Musk is back (at least for now!).  I already got mine and I'm loving it.  One ...