Monday, January 11, 2021

re:tune Wellness from Within

                                                                                                                                                                            I'm so glad to have these wonderful wellness products back !  Some old favorites have returned with a new name and new packaging.  And some exciting new products are being added.    You can shop for these products here:

Below are some of the returning products Hunger Block , Metabolism Boost and Ideal Cleanse. Below that Restful Sleep, also a returning product and one of my favorites.

Hair Skin and Nail Health is a new supplement

These two skin care products were introduced with the Isa Knox line last fall.    

This is new!  I've been taking it for a week.  It is pretty tasteless so you can add it to the hot or cold beverage of your choice.  I've just been adding it to cold water and having it in the morning.  You feel full after you take it so it may help you lower you calorie intake if  that's a goal and maybe it would be better to take in in the afternoon or just before dinner to avoid snacking or overeating.
Today I'm noticing that the skin on the back of my hands is less dry and crepy (old lady looking)  I'll keep an eye on that and see if it continues to be like that or if it was just something that happened today from some lotion I used or something.  Stay tuned for more on re:tune!


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